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  • Writer's pictureMarie Horodecki Aymes

Brand Owners' Path to Sustainable Packaging- a McKinsey must-read

Une image créée par Midjourney représentant une montagne d'emballage plastique au bord d'un lac des Laurentides
image heureusement générée avec Midjourney

As we approach a decisive decade in the journey to net-zero emissions by 2050, brand owners are feeling the intensifying pressure from consumers and regulators to adopt more sustainable practices. A key focus area in this sustainability drive is packaging. According to a recent McKinsey analysis by Steve HoffmanAlexandre Kleis, and Daniel Rexhausen , brand owners face significant challenges in transitioning to sustainable packaging, an endeavor that is crucial not just for environmental compliance, but also for aligning with evolving consumer preferences.

The Sustainable Packaging Challenge for Brand Owners

For brand owners, the goal is to significantly enhance the sustainability of their packaging. By 2030, many aim to incorporate 50% recycled content in packaging, halve their virgin plastic footprint, and transition entirely to reusable, recyclable, or compostable packaging materials. However, the journey towards these ambitious targets is fraught with challenges. The supply of postconsumer recycled plastic packaging is not keeping pace with the soaring demand, regulatory mandates are becoming increasingly stringent, and the need to control costs amid inflation adds another layer of complexity.

Navigating Cost and Supply Constraints

Dispelling the myth that sustainable packaging is invariably costlier, McKinsey's analysis reveals that with strategic actions, brand owners can potentially reduce their plastic packaging costs significantly. This cost reduction hinges on deeper engagement in the value chain and enhancement of capabilities.

Four Strategic Actions for Brand Owners

  1. Comprehensive Portfolio Assessment: Brand owners must thoroughly evaluate their packaging footprint across all products to identify optimization opportunities.

  2. Sustainability-Driven Packaging Design: Embedding sustainability principles into the packaging design process is essential. This includes choosing recyclable or biodegradable materials and considering innovative sourcing methods.

  3. Forging Strategic Partnerships: Collaborating with suppliers, recyclers, and waste managers can help secure essential materials and facilitate the development of closed-loop packaging systems.

  4. Developing Internal Expertise: Investing in talent and capabilities specifically related to packaging and recycling technologies is crucial for navigating this complex landscape.

The Opportunity Ahead

For brand owners, the shift towards sustainable packaging is not just a compliance measure but an opportunity to drive cost savings, meet sustainability targets, and strengthen consumer loyalty. However, this requires immediate and strategic action to avoid escalating costs and supply challenges.

My opinion

The McKinsey report offers a roadmap for brand owners navigating the sustainable packaging landscape. It underscores the urgency for action in the face of environmental mandates and consumer expectations. The proposed strategic actions provide a balanced approach, enabling brand owners to overcome challenges related to cost and supply while advancing towards their sustainability goals. This analysis is a compelling call for brand owners to adopt innovative and responsible packaging strategies, highlighting the potential for cost savings, enhanced consumer loyalty, and environmental stewardship. The full report is a great read for those committed to making impactful and sustainable changes in packaging within their organizations.

 Recommended read

Brand owners looking to delve deeper into the strategies and nuances of sustainable packaging will find thefull McKinsey report invaluable. It's a detailed resource that can inform and guide strategic decisions in the critical area of packaging sustainability.

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